Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11, “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” I’m grateful for all of the verses surrounding this one. Paul knew how to be brought low, and he also knew abundance. In all of Paul’s circumstances, comfort and strength came from the Lord (v. 13). So it must be with us.
Paul never said he went through various trials and temptations and was naturally and always content. No, Paul learned to be content. God gives us a glimpse of progressive sanctification in the life of Paul. We can be encouraged that if we struggle with discontentment in the mundane, we can repent of this and begin to thank God for the work He has given to us.
Contentment in what we do has to be learned; no one is naturally gifted to be content.
Work is hard. There is no doubt about it. So let us ask the Lord to give us eyes to see our work as work being done unto Him.
As Christians, our lives are to be given away following the example of Christ. Let us ask our Lord to help us serve, work, and labor, knowing that Jesus, our perfect model, came to serve and not to be served (Matt. 20:28). As we reflect on what Christ has done, we find deep joy and purpose and value in modeling our lives after His. Work, even the most mundane work, has a purpose-to glorify God. That’s something to work for.
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